
SEP is a great program that opens a lot of opportunities in software engineering. Throughout their 4 years in the SEP program, students will learn many fundementals in software and coding.They will also learn the importance of planning, teamwork, and independent learning.


  • Scratch- A simple block programming platform to understand coding fundamentals without written code
  • Robotics- Using Lego Mindstorm robots to manipulate objects in the real world using sensors and block based code
  • Python- The studnet's first interaction with simple written code which teaches them the importance of syntax
  • Processing- Using code to create paintings and games on a digital canvas
  • Electronics- Learning how circuits function and using code along side a Makey-Makey
  • Data- Using spreadsheets and other programs to understand organizing big data and its importance
  • Github- Understanding how to use Github and its importance in the professional workplace
  • HTML- Learning how to create content on a webpage
  • CSS+Bootstrap- Styling a webpages content and making it responsive with Bootstrap
  • JS+jQuery- Teaching students how to make their websites interactive
  • COMING SOON- SEP 12's curriculm is still being created. Once that information is avaiable, updates will be made to display the up to date curriculm


To being a better student


Show up on time and ready to code

Have things ready to turn in

Focus on the Syntax you're writing

Activley participate and ask questions

Pay attention in class



Latness can account to detention

Hand in things late

That means half credit

Be a distraction

Talk when the teacher is talking

Be Kevin and Josue

And make sure to have fun while coding, because you're allowed to be creative and build anything you want as long as you finish all the requirments!

"Done is better than perfect"